Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Unusual Tale of How I Tamed my Cat

I have a new pet. I didn't buy him nor did I obtain him from a specific source. He's just there, wild and untamed, until I managed to get him used to me.
I don't even have a name for him. I guess I still need to find a name that would fit him right. But for now, he's my little tiger, my new pet cat.

I don't know whether it was difficult or easy to tame the cat. Well, kitten really, if we start at the beginning. But I did have a fun time doing it.
You see, when he was just newly born, about the time he started walking around, I chased after him. Yes, that I did. Since he was still little, I could easily catch him, unlike the older cats who could easily run away from me.
The cats we have here at home are what we call 'laaw' types of cats, meaning they are usually stray cats who run away from a nearing person. One of the female cats gave birth to two kittens, but the other one died. The one who lived became the object of my goal.
I do love animals. I love dogs, rabbits and cats. I'd like to have a pet, but my mom and dad didn't think it wise for me to have one right now. I thought that if I couldn't have a normal pet, why not turn one of our home cats into one?
So, going on, I'd chase after the kitten and pick him up. I don't try torturing the poor little kitten, if that's what you're thinking, as I know some people would for the fun of it. Instead I'd pet the little critter, scratching his ears and ruffle his hair. Of course, as a stray cat, his normal reaction would be to try to get away from me. But I held him in place, not too strong, but firm and gentle. I wouldn't let go of him until I thought he was pampered enough.
I did that just about as often as I could. Hey, I'm no pushover here, I'm not even trying to harm the little one. All I want was to try to tame him.
So, I kept on petting him, ruffling his hair and scratching his ears. Oddly enough, he soon ceased resisting me. He doesn't really respond, he just usually stays very still. I felt a flicker of hope and excitement. There was a huge positive thought in my mind that I could make him my pet.
Weeks after that odd change, he started responding. He seemed to like me petting him. He would give a little purr and tilt his head sideways whenever I started scratching his neck. And that, by the way(scratching the neck), is effective way of petting the cat. I've discovered that most of the cats like it when you do that.
That response, for me, was a very big progress. Who knew that after having those cats in our home for more than 25 years, I'd actually tame one of them? I really had fun with what I was doing and I was starting to have a very pet of my own.
Soon enough, what I really hoped for happened. The time arrived that it had gotten used to me. Whenever I was out in the yard, and the kitten saw me, it would rush to me and rub against my feet! It would meow and look up to me with those honey gold eyes of his. Though I don't know if that gesture would be counted as affectionate, for a cat, but I still considered it to be. I couldn't believe it, but I tamed a cat! I was definitely happy.
Now, whenever I'm out, I'd call out a 'meow' and it would come rushing to me. And then I'd pat his head, pick him up and give him a treat. How I loved my new pet. His fuzzy hair would tickled my toes and he would be content just going around my feet. I really like petting him, since cat hair is pretty much soft, and, well, hairy. I'd play with him sometimes, and he just follows me around.
One proof that I really have tamed him is that he never goes near another person except me. He wouldn't run if it was me, but if there was another person nearing him, he'd scoot off.
I was really proud of myself of what I was able to do. I have a new pet and I'd take care of it. I especially love feeding him biscuits and he'd usually want to bite the biscuit entirely off my hand. Whatever I was doing outside, washing clothes or sweeping the yard, he'd just be there, near to me, sitting on the grass and watching or circling my feet. I love my new pet.
I've yet to name him, as I said at the beginning. I'm going to find a fitting one soon, for my little tigress. Future projects would be to teach him some tricks, which I know will be difficult to do. Advice anyone? :D