Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Fruits of my Thoughts

Sentimental? I guess so. Confused? Likely. Down? Maybe. I like to do a lot of thinking and perhaps a bit of brooding. But anyway, these are some things I happened to write in times like these. They're written during different days and in different moods. Some of these are quotes I happened to like or are in line with how I feel that day. Here are bits of thoughts that spring from my ever-bizarre mind.

"If a book was all it took to remember you, I'd carry one everyday." - me.
(It was taken from another quote, originally having flowers as its subject, but I like books and I guess that would be more effective for me to remember people. ^__^)

"I'd like to be alone,
But sometimes I don't
I rarely have mood swings
But now's an exception
As I curl around my bed
My thoughts confused and unread
I wondered if someone cared
Enough to take me out of the dark."
(Surely you can tell that my mind was quite boggled when I wrote this. I don't remember much, as this was written about two years back, but I knew that I was upset over something during this time.)

"To think about the end will feel like a hundred years has passed but to not think about it at all is like reaching that point in the blink of an eye."
(I got this quote from my best friend, Nikki. This quote comes to my mind whenever I think that I dwell too much on the end rather than journey it takes to get there. We sometimes wish for time to go fast, but sometimes it is what makes the wait even longer.)

"Believe in your dreams, not in your depressing thoughts. Feed your faith. Starve your doubts. Always remember tough times never last. But tough people do."
(This is one of the many quotes that I receive in my cellphone. But I do find it inspiring. Depression can bring us down, but the solution or some form of comfort may not be too far away. Better if you know exactly where to look. ^_^ Faith is powerful, if you find it in your heart to truly believe that things will work its way right eventually. And it's a relief to oneself to know that your trust isn't wasted when it works.~ Finally, strength. It is what is usually tested in us during difficult times. It measures how long we last, and how easily we break during pressure. I believe that strength is in all of us, if we just have the courage to use it wisely. In this world full of challenges that come our way, we have to have the strength to face it all and last. It will always be a great relief to have passed a raging storm.)


These are four of my thoughts. I might post more later on. If I get more sentimental, that is.~

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